This phase of engagement has ended.

Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood

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Final Push!

Hi everyone,

The Brixton liveable neigbourhood interactive map will close next Sunday the 13th of October.

There are only two days left to leave your comments.

Please share the page with your friends, family and social media followers to ensure they can be part of it.

Next step is analysis,watch this space!

Brixton LN project team

Posted on 11th October 2019

by Simone Saviantoni

On-street engagement update

Hi everyone,

Over the last three days the Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood Team has been helping the local community to share their views on what changes they would like to see in the Brixton Area.

So far the team has helped over 180 members of our diverse community taking part of the survey and promoted the projects to hundreds of people.

We will be in Brixton today, in Herne Hill Market tomorrow before moving to the three neighbourhood areas from Monday.

Take a look at some photos below and share the survey with your community!

Brixton LN project team

Posted on 5th October 2019

by Simone Saviantoni

Let's improve Brixton's streets

Thank you for your time and please share!

Brixton LN project team

Posted on 2nd October 2019

by Simone Saviantoni

Brixton past,present and future

Hi everyone,

Many thanks for your contribution to the project so far. We have had nearly 4,000 contributions and there is still time. The map consultation will be open for four more weeks , please help us with the final push by sharing this News item with your social media friends via Facebook or Twitter using the buttons below .

Lambeth Staff Conference, Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood Walk

This week we were grateful to the Brixton Society for helping to lead a guided walk around the scheme area as part of the council’s staff conference which focussed on carbon reduction.

As well as discussing ideas for the project, we also monitored air quality as we went using a portable particulate monitor to check the levels of particulate matter PM2.5 / PM10 in real time.

It was fascinating to contrast historical plans for major road building in the town centre with the ethos of our project which is to reduce motor traffic rather than encourage it.

The walk was a great way to introduce people to the project and hopefully we can organise similar events open to all in the near future.

What’s next?

Over the next four weeks our team will be out on the street running a series of face to face engagement events and circulating materials via local media, project stakeholders, community champions, businesses, GPs, Libraries, Tenancy and Residents Associations and many more.

After the map closes we will be analysing the comments and feedback to help us understand what the main issues are in the Brixton area from the people that know it best, residents and visitors. We will publish a report on these findings towards the end of 2019 which will form the basis of our next phase of collaborative design.

Starting from November we will be developing proposals in collaboration with local residents, businesses and stakeholders to improve Brixton streets. We will invite you to design workshops, surveys, trials and walkabouts to help us shape proposals together. We will share locations, dates and times of the face to face engagement soon; watch this space.

Thank you for your time and please share!

Brixton LN project team

Posted on 13th September 2019

by Simone Saviantoni

Street Parties, Cargo Bikes and Brixton for Kids

Hi everyone,

Thanks to you all for contributing to the project so far. We’ve now started getting out and about attending events in the area and beyond and here’s a flavour of what we’ve been up to:

St Matthew’s Road street party Saturday 13th July

A fantastic community day on St Matthew’s road with the street closed to motor vehicles for a day of festivities. The Brixton LN team were on hand to listen to the views of local residents about the local area and how it could be made better for walking and cycling and more liveable generally.

Some great ideas about how the road could be re-invented!

Zero Emissions Deliveries site visit

We took local business stakeholders up to see the Waltham Forest ZED project. This project uses cycles and electric vehicles to make last mile deliveries across the area, reducing the need for vans and trucks on local roads and helping to reduce air pollution.

Could something like this work in Brixton?

Leaf Tenants and Residents Association

We presented the project at the Leaf TRA and listened to the concerns of local residents about traffic and safety on local roads. We’ll be going back in the Autumn to hold a workshop on changes that could make local streets safer and more attractive.

Family Walk next week

Join us on the 25th of July for a family walk around Brixton. This will be a great opportunity to get the views of parents / carers with young children on how to make our streets feel more safe and welcoming. Contact and see the event flyer here . Let us know if you're coming if you can, or see you there.

That's all for now. If you would like us to attend an event you are organising then please let us know by contacting us at the email address below. Looking forward to hearing more of your ideas for the project!

Brixton LN project team

Posted on 18th July 2019

by Simon Phillips

Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood & Clean Air Week

Hi everyone,

Our initial consultation has been running for just over a month. In that time over 350 people have contributed to the map and approaching 2,000 people have visited the website – thanks for this fantastic response!

We’ve now started getting out to talk to people about our ideas and listening to the views of our many stakeholders for this project. Please get in touch at the email address below if you would like us to attend any events / meetings you are involved in / aware of. The team is still small but hopefully growing over the next few weeks so we’ll get along to as many events as we can.

Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood is a three-year project with the first year dedicated to community engagement and developing project proposals. Implementation will be in years two and three, but we are very happy to consider ‘quick wins’ and project demonstrations as well other events and activities that we can bring forward in the meantime. It’s a Lambeth led project, but we are working closely with our main funder, Transport for London, as well as making sure we co-ordinate with all the other things going on in the Brixton area (more about those in future updates).

The project is about change that will deliver a better environment for everyone and support a thriving town centre and we want to hear from as many local people, businesses and visitors as possible. We also want to be able to communicate regularly with as wide a community as possible, so getting your neighbours and friends to sign up to this website will be very helpful.

Please forward this news item to your social media contacts using the social media buttons and help us widen the circle!

And finally, please look out for local activities as part of Clean Air Week (next week):

More to come soon,

Brixton LN project team

Posted on 14th June 2019

by Simon Phillips

Welcome to Brixton Liveable Neighbourhood

Welcome everyone,

Thanks to all who have contributed to the project so far – we’ve had a fantastic response to the launch of the website with over a thousand comments / agreements made by over 100 people. And this is just the first week.

Over the next few months we will be out and about talking to as many people as possible about the project, so please look out for forthcoming meetings and events – publicised here.

It’s really important that we reach people who don’t normally get involved in this sort of thing, so please do encourage neighbours and friends to get involved and let us know of any opportunities to get the word out.

In the meantime we are busy setting up the project and getting the team and programme in place so we can move forward as swiftly as possible.

More to come soon,

Brixton LN project team

Posted on 15th May 2019

by Simon Phillips, Transport & Public Realm Strategy Manager